
Creating an object in JavaScript

June 29, 2021

Object literal syntax

If we want to create an object called fruit, we can use the object literal syntax.

const fruit = {
  name: "🍎 apple",
  buy: function () {
    console.log("By a fruit");

If we want to create a new object, we can do so by duplicating the existing code:

const anotherFruit = {
  name: "🍏 apple",
  buy: function () {
    console.log("By a fruit");

Factory Function

In order to avoid code duplication we can refactor the code by using a Factory Function.

A Factory Function is a function that returns an object. A Factory Function is not a class or a constructor function.

function fruit(name) {
  return {
    buy: function () {
      console.log("buy a fruit");

const firstFruit = fruit("🍎 apple");
firstFruit; // {name: "🍎 apple", buy: ƒ}

Constructor Function

Another way to create an object is by using a Constructor Function. The naming function for a Constructor Function is that the function name starts with an uppercase letter.


The new operator is doing the following:

  1. It creates an empty object;
  2. It set this to point to that object in order to set the properties of the object;
  3. It returns that object from the Fruit function.
  • By default, this points to the global object which is the window object, but by using the new operator it references the object that is stored in memory.
function Fruit(name) {
  console.log("this is", this);
  this.name = name;
  this.buy = function () {
    console.log("buy a fruit");

const fruitOne = new Fruit("🍎 apple"); // 'this is' Fruit {}
const fruitTwo = Fruit("🍏 apple"); // 'this is' Window {window: Window, self: Window, document: document, name: "", location: Location, …}

Important notes

Every object in JavaScript has a property called constructor that references the function that was used to create that object.

When using the object literal syntax to create an object the constructor it references the built-in constructor function.

fruit.constructor; // ƒ Object() { [native code] }

let obj1 = {};
obj1.constructor; // ƒ Object() { [native code] }

// Internally JavaScript engine translate the code to this:
let obj1 = new Object();

When the object was created using a Factory Function, the constructor references the the built-in constructor function because the Factory Function it returns an object.

function fruit(name) {
  return {
    buy: function () {
      console.log("buy a fruit");

const firstFruit = fruit("🍎 apple");

firstFruit.constructor; // ƒ Object() { [native code] }

When the object was created using a Constructor Function, the constructor references the function that was used to create it.

function Fruit(name) {
  this.name = name;
  this.buy = function () {
    console.log("buy a fruit");

const fruitOne = new Fruit("🍎 apple");
// ƒ Fruit(name) {
//   this.name = name;
//   this.buy = function() {
//     console.log('buy a fruit');
//   }
// }